
Deployment of Indian helicopters in Maldives was approved by past administrations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has revealed the agreement to deploy Indian helicopters in Maldives was renewed during the administrations of former President Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik and former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

In a statement issued regarding the Indian Navy Advance Light Helicopters in Maldives, foreign ministry said the strong military relations is the major pillar of the India-Maldives relations. In this regard, foreign ministry noted the advance light helicopters assist Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) in search and rescue operations, carrying patients from one island to another and monitoring the oceans of Maldives.

The foreign ministry highlighted the first letter of exchange of the first helicopter which was signed in 2010, when former President Mohamed Nasheed was in power, was later renewed in 2012 by Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik and in 2014 by Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom. Moreover, the ministry said the letter of exchange for the second helicopter was signed by Abdulla Yameen in 2015.

Highlighting the engagement of the helicopters, the foreign ministry revealed both helicopters have assisted MNDF in carrying 151 emergency patients and 50 search and rescue operations in Maldives, since the deployment.

Furthermore, the foreign ministry highlighted the historic joint operations conducted by both countries.