
Commonwealth welcomes decision of Maldives to seek readmission

Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has welcomed the decision by government of Maldives to seek readmission as a member of the Commonwealth.

In a statement revealing Maldives has applied to re-join the Commonwealth Patricia Scotland revealed she had hoped the separation would be temporary when Maldives withdrew from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is very much looking forward to engaging with the government and people of Maldives as the application for membership is considered, she said.

To re-join, Maldives must demonstrate it complies with the fundamental values set out in the Commonwealth Charter through an informal assessment undertaken by the secretary-general. The secretary-general must then consult with member countries, and if there is an agreement, invite Maldives to make a formal application, presenting evidence of functioning democratic processes and popular support for rejoining the Commonwealth.

Maldives withdrew from the Commonwealth in 2016, under former President Abdulla Yameen. The current President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, made the request to re-join the Commonwealth in a letter to Secretary-General Patricia Scotland earlier this month.