
Government Coalition to hold a parliament sitting out of legislative cycle

The government coalition leaders have agreed to hold a Parliament meeting out of the legislative cycle deeming it is important to work on some bills submitted to the floor. The announcement was made following a meeting held with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and coalition leaders at Hotel Jen.

Speaking to media following the meeting, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said discussions of the meeting widely focused on holding a meeting out of the regular session to conclude important bills submitted when the Parliament recessed. The president expressed efforts are underway to hold the sitting during January.

Following the meeting, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom stated all leaders agreed to continue the work on some important matters in the legislative agenda of President Solih.

Highlighting all the leaders agreed it is important to complete the pending work, former President Mohamed Nasheed expressed agreeing to hold a sitting out of the term shows the importance attached to it by all leaders.

Furthermore, Speaker of Parliament and Leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim noted the parliament will run according to the constitution and the regulations of the parliament, adding discussions were held with parliamentary group leaders on the last day to extend the term.

While the four leaders have agreed to a Parliament sitting outside the term, the Parliament recessed without voting on some important bills as the quorum was not met. In this regard, the Parliament recessed without voting on using pension funds to perform Hajj pilgrimage, amendments to pension act, the bill on presidential commissions and on the bill to establish a bar council, even though it was on the agenda.