
Maldives and Pakistan discuss trade cooperation

Member of Maldivian Parliament Abdul Bari Abdulla has said businessmen of Maldives are very much interested in enhancing economic cooperation and bilateral trade with Pakistan.

Talking to the local businessmen at a meeting held at the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Abdul Bari said Maldives can offer a lot of opportunities to businessmen and industrialists of Pakistan who must frequently visit Maldives to explore opportunities of enhancing bilateral trade in different sectors of the economy.

Abdul Bari Abdulla, who led a Maldivian delegation, said Maldives has mostly been importing rice, fruits and vegetables from Pakistan but many other products particularly textiles, cotton and agricultural commodities can also be exported to Maldives. He said there were a lot of misconceptions amongst Maldivians about the security situation in Pakistan but it is as safe as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and many other countries in the region. While appreciating the hospitality extended to the Maldivian delegation by KCCI and other trade associations, he reiterated the business and industrial community of Karachi should visit Maldives to review the opportunities for enhancing trade.

President KCCI Junaid Esmail Makda stated the economic relations with Maldives are minimal due to lack of direct shipping services between the two countries. Makda said it is a matter of concern the trade remains very limited despite the fact the two countries are members of South Asian Free Trade Areas (SAFTA) Agreement. He mentioned trade volume between Pakistan and Maldives stood at a mere USD 7.22 million which requires collective efforts for further growth. He emphasised the KCCI wants to promote business, mutual understanding and friendly relations between the business communities of Pakistan and Maldives.