
High level delegation concludes official visit to Japan

The high level delegation of the government of Maldives has concluded the official trip to Japan.

The delegation was led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid, Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer and Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail. The visit marks the first official visit by the administration to East Asia.

While in Tokyo, the ministers paid a courtesy call on Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Japan Taro Aso. Foreign Minister Shahid also met with his counterpart, Foreign Minister of Japan Taro Kono. This is the fourth time the foreign ministers of the two countries have met over the past twelve months. During the meetings, discussions focused on ways of further strengthening the historic, close and friendly ties that have always existed between the Maldives and Japan and exploring ways to further this relationship.

Further meetings were held with Minister of Environment Yoshiaki Harada, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshige Sekō, Governor of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Tadashi Maeda, President of Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) and key business corporations in Japan. The meetings advanced the key priority issues in the bilateral relations between the Maldives and Japan, in support of mutual efforts to further invigorate the deep-rooted ties between the Maldives and Japan.

Towards the conclusion of the visit, the delegation also participated in a press conference at Japan Press Club.

This visit also follows at the heels of the high level visit of Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Japan to the Maldives Kentaro Sonoura from December 3-4, who was accompanied by a delegation of fifteen senior officials across various ministries of Japan.

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ahmed Khaleel, Ambassador of Maldives to Japan Ibrahim Uvais, and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also accompanied the ministers during the official meetings.