
PNC resubmits documents to register as a political party

Former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has resubmitted documents to form Peoples National Congress (PNC). The documents were submitted by Parliamentarian Abdul Raheem Abdulla after the Elections Commission of Maldives rejected the documents submitted initially.

The initial submission was rejected as at the time of submission, Abdul Raheem Abdulla was a member of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), according to the Elections Commission. Abdul Raheem Abdulla filled the position of Vice President of PPM. However, he had now left PPM and resubmitted the documents to form PNC. Elections Commission said a member of a political party cannot request to form another political party, according to the Political Party of Maldives.

Former President Yameen is seeking to form another political party in the wake of the validity of the leadership of PPM being contested in courts of law. Yameen removed his half-brother and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom from the leadership before taking over PPM. Maumoon has regarded his removal as illegal and contested the decision in court.

Yameen has been pivotal in forming Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), Peoples Alliance (PA), as well as PPM.