
MTD holds first general meeting

Maldives Third-way Democrats (MTD) has held its first general meeting.

The meeting held at Dharubaaruge convention centre was attended by over 500 members. The general meeting was attended by Parliamentarian Yameen Rasheed, who recently joined MTD, while Parliamentarian Abdul Latheef Mohamed from Jumhooree Party attended the meeting as a special guest.

During the meeting, 11 members were appointed to the interim council, including founder of MTD Ismail Asif, Parliamentarian Yameen Rasheed and Mariyam Nashwa, spouse of former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb. Moreover, the official logo and official colour of the party were also approved during the meeting. All members voted to use lagoon blue as the official colour of the party.

The Political Party Act requires the first meeting to be attended by at least 300 members and to finalise the party charter. MTD submitted documents with the signatures of over 3,000 members to Elections Commission to register the party.