
PPM calls to legally mandate 70% of resort staff should be locals

Parliamentary Group Leader of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik has stated it should be mandated by law that 70% of staff employed at resorts and hotels operated in Maldives should be Maldivians.

In a tweet, Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik said it is crucial 70% of the staff in resorts and hotels must be locals. Noting resorts are operated in Maldives with a high number of foreigners, Nihan reiterated the importance of a law regarding the matter.

Recently, at a press conference, Labour Relations Authority announced it has been brought to its attention that several resorts are operated with a very few number of locals.

At least 50% of employees in the resorts should be Maldivians, according to current laws and regulations.