
President inaugurates Hen'badhoo sanitation services

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has inaugurated the sanitation services in Hen'badhoo in Noonu Atoll.

At the ceremony, the president unveiled the monument placed to commemorate the inauguration of the sanitation services in the island.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Solih revealed the policies of the administration to provide fresh water and sanitation services to the island communities. He assured the administration will provide all-inclusive development for the island communities.

After the ceremony President Solih also met with the Hen'badhoo Island Council. During the meeting, members of the council briefed the president on the efforts and the future plans for the development of the island. The president also enquired on the challenge faced by the council and the difficulties faced by the island communities.

During the visit, President Solih also took a tour of the cultural display presented in the Island.

The sanitation services in Hen'badhoo was established by Champa Brothers Maldives Private Limited at a cost of over 1.22 million US dollars. As part of the project a sewerage network, a pump station and an out flow pipeline, along with an administrative building was developed in the island.

Hen'badhoo has a population of over 700 people.