
Discussions underway to reform JSC and judiciary

President’s Office has revealed discussions are underway with Attorney General’s Office to solve the issues in the judiciary and the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

Speaking to media, Policy Secretary at President’s Office Aminath Shauna said reforming the judiciary and JSC is a huge task which cannot be completed in a short period of time. She said reforming needs extensive discussions and surveys, adding advice from international institutions will be sought before making any decisions.

Furthermore, the policy secretary stated discussions are being held with Attorney General’s Office, judges, lawyers and other relevant authorities and individuals regarding the reform of judiciary and JSC. She expressed hope a mechanism to ensure justice will be implemented following the discussions, highlighting a sustainable judicial system will be formulated during the current presidency.

While the government has begun discussions with authorities regarding the reform of JSC and judiciary, prominent lawyer and President of Commission on Investigation of Murders and Enforced Disappearances Husnu Al Suood has widely criticised the courts law, specifically saying the criminal court was biased and influenced.

It is a pledge of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to initiate the task of reforming judiciary and JSC within the first 30-days of his presidential term.