
Transparency Maldives welcomes publicising financial statements

Transparency Maldives has described publicising the financial statements of the president, vice president, cabinet ministers and senior government positions as a step forward in putting an end to corruption in Maldives.

In keeping with the commitment to eliminate corruption in the administration, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Vice President Faisal Naseem and cabinet ministers have publicly declared their assets and income. The declaration is part of President Solih's pledge to root out corruption and usher in an era of good governance.

Commenting on the publication of the financial statements, Transparency Maldives said even though publishing the statements for the first time in the history of Maldives paves way to end corruption, the statements need to be more detailed.

Speaking to PSM News, Advocacy and Communications Manager at Transparency Maldives Aiman Rasheed stated the past administrations should also have made it compulsory to release the financial standings of political figures. Noting the financial statements were published in efforts to stop corruption, Aiman affirmed the importance of making sure the information in the statements are legitimate.

Responding to the comments of Transparency Maldives, Chief Communication Strategist at President's Office Ibrahim Hood revealed the financial statements were published by filling out a form that consists of relevant information signed with the signatures and finger prints by the respective members.

The spokesperson expressed efforts will be exerted to complete the forms with instructions from relevant authorities, adding the financial statements published next year will be more complete. He noted the comments of agencies such as Transparency Maldives are taken very positive by the administration.