
Maldives will not be a tool to gain power in the Indian Ocean: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has assured Maldives will not be submissive to be tool between the great power interests of the Indian Ocean Region.

In an interview to an online media reporting agency of India, Economic Times, President Solih reaffirmed the Maldives' interest to ensure a safe and secure Indian Ocean and to work with all like-minded partners to maintain the safety of the Indian Ocean as a sovereign state in the middle of the India Ocean.

Noting the policies of the previous administration risked a complete reversal of the human rights and democratic values Maldivians fought so hard to establish with the 2008 Constitution, the president noted the recent presidential election has proved the Maldivian people are not willing to give up on the values and voted in favour of re-establishing the rule of law.

The president expressed hope to live up to the hopes of the Maldivian people by fulfilling the pledges advocated for in the administration's manifesto which comprises of key points such as zero tolerance on corruption, judicial reform, investigations into abuses of power, disappearances and suspicious deaths. He further revealed the current administration will be transparent, consultative and employ a zero-tolerance policy on corruption.

Highlighting the pledges include the establishment of portals, both online and conventional to encourage public feedback on government programmes and services, the president with gratitude noted the government have already reversed the legislation criminalising defamation.