
Jumhooree Party asks Latheef to withdraw amendment

Jumhooree Party has requested Parliamentarian Abdul Latheef Mohamed to withdraw the amendment submitted to the Parliamentary Elections Act.

In a tweet, Parliamentary Group Leader of Jumhooree Party Abdulla Riyaz said the party has asked Abdul Latheef Mohamed to withdraw the amendment. He expressed the proposal from Abdul Latheef Mohamed came without any consultation or advisory of the parliamentary group and the amendment obstructs a constitutional right of a coalition leader.

Meanwhile, speaking to PSM News, Abdul Latheef Mohamed explained his decision to submit the amendment to stop former presidents contesting in the parliamentary elections. The parliamentarian said former presidents are given huge respect and admiration by the general public. He added former presidents who were at a time given the highest authority should not be handed a lesser authoritative role.

Furthermore, Latheef expressed former presidents are granted allowances and protection from the state budget to ensure they lead a noble and respectable life, adding their motives are in question when they run for parliament seats. Moreover, Latheef noted former presidents contesting in parliamentary elections is unacceptable, as the experience and support they have cannot be compared with other candidates.

The amendment was submitted to the parliament at a time former President Mohamed Nasheed has announced his candidature for the upcoming parliamentary elections.