
Gasim criticises former President Nasheed for comments on parliamentary elections

Leader of Jumhooree Party (JP) Gasim Ibrahim has harshly criticised fellow coalition leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed for stating Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) deserves a parliament majority.

Addressing a function held to mark former acting Commissioner of Police Abdulla Nawaz signing with JP, visibly agitated, Gasim Ibrahim responded to several statements made by former President Nasheed during the parliamentary campaign trail.

Responding to Nasheed's statements, without naming him, Gasim said certain individuals are trying to deceive the public by implying that without a certain coalition partner gaining parliament majority, the government would not stand. Gasim said if any good came of Nasheed's 2008 presidency, JP would have been a fifty percent shareholder.

Responding to Nasheed's statement that the country needs to be saved from the hands of tycoons, Gasim said while everyone needs tycoons whenever something needs to be done, with the ascension to the presidency those tycoons are labelled as bad influences. He said criticizing those who are in service, is unacceptable.

Gasim reminded the current administration was ushered in by a coalition of four political parties. He saluted President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih for continuing to refer to the administration as a coalition government. He pledged allegiance with President Solih for as long as matters related to the coalition are carried out in a just manner.

Gasim's comments came amid differences within the ruling coalition following MDP's announcement to contest for all the seats in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Although the coalition had earlier come to an agreement on how it would tackle the parliamentary elections, all member parties have now announced for nominations.