
Education Ministry prioritises discussions on new curriculum

Ministry of Education has said the past administration failed to implement the new education curriculum most effectively as the sector lacked a discussion system. Minister of State for Education Dr. Abdulla Rasheed said the past administration did not implement key stage 1, 2 and 3 most efficiently.

Speaking to PSM News regarding the education policy of the current administration, Minister of State for Education Dr. Abdulla Rasheed revealed several forums will be held to discuss the implementation of the new curriculum. In this regard, State Minister Abdulla Rasheed noted the first seminar will be held for school principals on February 16 and 17 while more national curriculum symposiums and regional symposiums are planned for the month.

Adding the national curriculum symposium is scheduled for February 23 and 24, the state minister said regional symposiums will be held in Male' City, Addu City and Kulhudhuffushi in Haa Dhaalu Atoll before the national curriculum symposium. Abdulla Rasheed revealed the aim of the symposiums is to provide a common platform for teachers, students and parents to discuss and further improve the curriculum. He highlighted the past administration failed to implement the curriculum efficiently due to lack of necessary discussions.

Furthermore, the state minister revealed education related seminars in colloboration with United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services, island councils and Juvenile Justice Unit are planned throughout the year.