
JP assures cooperation and support for the President

Speaker of Parliament and Leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim assures cooperation and support for President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih until the end of his presidential term, if he governs in accordance with the constitution.

Speaking at the ceremony held at the main quarters of Jumhooree Party, Qasim Ibrahim highlighted all presidencies that followed former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom were secured with the support of him and his supporters. Qasim said the comments in social media saying he does not support President Solih are circulated to achieve personal propaganda.

Moreover, Qasim noted he will always work towards upholding the constitution, adding even if the current administration fails to uphold the rule of law, he will work to correct any wrongdoings. Qasim alleged the main ruling party, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), is plotting against President Solih.

Criticising MDP and its leadership, Qasim said the largest bloc in the government is trying to destabilise the coalition government. He further said he will never support Maldives to adopt a parliamentary system.