
MLSDP to compete for 11 parliament seats

Maldives Labour and Social Democratic Party (MLSDP) has decided to compete for 11 constituencies in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

In a statement, MLSDP revealed it has decided to compete for 11 seats and the contestants and the constituencies will be announced in the coming days. Although the 11 constituencies have not yet been disclosed, the party is holding discussions with individuals who have expressed interest to compete for additional constituencies, according to MLSDP.

MLSDP also expressed opportunity is open for interested candidates to run with tickets provided by the party. Moreover, the statement highlighted the party will give priority individuals who will represent the rights of labours.

While MLSDP revealed plans to compete for 11 constituencies, the newly formed Maldives Third-Way Democrats (MTD) has opened opportunity for interested individuals to compete in the parliamentary elections.

Elections Commission has announced the parliamentary elections will be held on April 6.