
LGA board must have capacity to shape future of the system: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed has stated the amendments brought to the Decentralisation Act by the previous administration were in contrast with the conceptualisation. The president made the remarks at the opening ceremony of City and Atoll Council Symposium held at Hotel Jen. The one-day symposium is held as part of the 100 working-days key pledges of the administration.

Addressing the ceremony held to inaugurate the symposium, President Solih said the board of Local Government Authority (LGA) must have the capacity and will to solve the issues faced for councils and shape the future of the system. He added LGA must refrain from electing, suspending and removing councillors for political purposes.

Furthermore, the president stated the current act does not state a framework on how to identify the capital of the atoll, if an island is changed to a city in the middle of the term. The remarks of the president comes at a time when some constitutional obstructions are met in changing Kulhudhuffushi in Haa Dhaalu Atoll to a city, although the island meets the required population.

During the ceremony, President Solih said major changes will be brought to the Decentralisation Act. Maldivians desire to achieve development rapidly and that while continuous economic progress has been experienced, the development of the nation has stagnated due to centralisation, the president said.

During the ceremony, the president highlighted the administration is ready to empower councils, noting the administration will allow the Island's community to plan their progressive activities and will provide adequate budget and administrative power to reach their targets. Highlighting the aim of the symposium, he noted the symposium is targeted to clarify the challenges faced by the councils in providing needs of the Island's community and providing solutions for those issues.

Moreover, the president appealed participants of the symposium to carry forward discussions in bringing overall solutions to the decentralisation process. In this regard, he requested to give priority for discussions on council representation. The president also shed light on some of questions raised by the community regarding decentralisation and appealed the participants of the symposium to try finding answers and solutions for the concerns that were raised.

Speaking further, the president emphasised on the importance of providing adequate budgets to the councils. In this regard, he noted fees collected from island's municipal services should contribute in the development of the island.

At the ceremony, President Solih noted the importance of empowering women and also shed light on progress that could be achieved by empowering women, advising them to provide solutions for issues faced by councils and to help build a better future for the system. He also appealed to stay away from political influences and carry their task forward responsibly.

In addition, the president noted if changes are not bought to the Decentralisation Act, 60% of the Maldivian population will be resided in capital Male' by 2050 which will result in numerous social issues.