
Youth Minister asked to stay home until investigations are concluded

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih orders Minister of Youth, Sports and Social Empowerment Ahmed Mahloof and Minister of State Akram Kamaaludeen to stay home until further notice. This is the first time in the recent history, a cabinet minister was asked to stay home due to allegations of corruption.

Speaking to PSM News, Spokesperson of President's Office Ibrahim Hood stated the president ordered Mahloof and Akram Kamaludeen to stay home until the investigation of the report published by Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on the corruption scandal of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) is concluded.

SOF Private Limited which received the largest amount of the scandal deposited money to accounts of Youth Minister Mahloof and Akram Kamaaludeen, according to the detailed investigation report of ACC. While USD 33,000 was deposited for Mahloof, USD 30,000 was deposited for Akram.

In a statement issued following the report of ACC, Ahmed Mahloof said the deposit was made for currency exchange which involves nothing illegal. He further revealed he will resign from the post if he is found guilty of corruption allegations.

Meanwhile, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has vowed the administration will firmly abide by a policy of zero-tolerance on corruption.