
Fees for students studying in private institutions to be paid by the administration

Minister of Higher Education Dr. Ibrahim Hassan has revealed the fees for students attaining first degree in private institutions will be deposited by the administration.

Speaking to PSM News, Higher Education Minister Ibrahim Hassan said the fees will be deposited to the accounts of the respective education institution, rather than handing over the sum to the students. Highlighting the fee for private institutions are higher compared to government institutions, he assured to maintain the fees of government institutions.

Moreover, the higher education minister said if the students fail, the fees for re-sits must be borne by the students. The minister said if the student fails continuously and the institution dismisses the student, the expenses must be paid back to the government. He further revealed if an institution suspends a course without a valid reason, the institution must pay back the amount of the course to the government.

While the administration has launched the Free Education Scheme for Degree Students, it includes a bond with the students having to serve the state upon completion of the studies.