
Home Minister appeals to retain lessons and instructions received as a youth

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has appealed to forever retain the lessons and instructions received as a youth. The home minister made the remarks addressing the ceremony held to conclude the youth and media workshop held in Hoarafushi in Haa Alifu Atoll.

Addressing the ceremony, Home Minister Imran Abdulla said lessons learnt must be maintained and practiced along with following instructions. He said any knowledge which cannot be practiced is not of any use.

The workshop held in Hoarafushi was attended by 83 youth from 7 islands. During the workshop, sessions were conducted on religion, unity, responsibility, culture and tradition. Moreover, a session was conducted on familiarising the youth on registered media outlets in Maldives.

Youth Leaders Network conducted under the mandate of Ministry of Home Affairs strives to make an action-based community.