
Regional Airports terminates contract with Coraline Maldives

Regional Airports Limited has terminated the contract with Coraline Maldives Private Limited for the development of a terminal at Kulhudhuffushi Airport.

The agreement was terminated due to the delay in implementation of the project, according to Regional Airports. In the wake of discussions with Coraline Maldives in January, Regional Airports announced work on the terminal would begin in a week. However, no work has been carried out.

Regional Airports said it is now seeking a new contractor for the project and assured work on the development of a terminal at Kulhudhuffushi would be assigned to a new party, in the near future. The company also noted currently work on fencing the airport site is underway and it would be completed in a few days.

The Kulhudhuffushi Airport is being developed on 9 hectares of land reclaimed from the mangrove area in the island and 6 hectares of land reclaimed from the lagoon. The airport consists of a 1,200 metre long, 30 metre wide runway, a taxi way and an apron to park aircraft.

The previous administration officially inaugurated the airport to coincide with the presidential election held last September, although it was not ready for flight operations. At the time, the government claimed the airport would be fully operational in two months.