
President meets Kendhoo Island Council

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has met with the council members of Kendhoo Island Council in Baa Atoll.

At the meeting held at the President’s Office, members of the council briefed the president on the most urgent needs of the island’s citizen, and the council’s plans for the further development and economic progress of the island. In this regard, the council members emphasised the need for establishing clean water and sanitation services in the island. The council members also informed the president on the issues faced because of soil erosion, and shortage of land issues. Moreover, they underscored the lack of space in Kendhoo School and challenges faced to the fisherman due to no proper mechanism available for them to sell their fishes.

During the meeting, the councillors highlighted the community is in need of a mosque. They also requested to facilitate more ways for the women to earn income. Additionally, councillors requested to develop a modern football ground to the youth.

Speaking at the meeting, President Solih stated it was his aim to meet with all public service institutions and work closely with the people in fulfilling their needs. The president expressed the government would take necessary action after discussing with the relevant institutions and addresses the specific issues and concerns raised by members of Kendhoo Island Council.