
Biggest challenge faced is lack of space: Kulhudhuffushi Hospital

Kulhudhuffushi Hospital has stated lack of space is the biggest challenge faced by the facility. While the new health sector master plan of the administration has prioritised Kulhudhuffushi Hospital in Haa Dhaalu Atoll, the biggest obstruction faced is the lack of space in the facility.

Noting although blood bank services have commenced in the hospital, there are insufficient blood preserving systems, the management of the hospital revealed the number of Thalassemia patients in the area is relatively high. The management said many patients visit the hospital repeatedly and the treatments are given via direct donations.

Speaking to PSM News, Khadeeja Ali tasked with operating the hospital said several challenges are faced in treating thalassemia patients. She revealed a patient ward was vacated to place the CT scan machine due to lack of space, adding the number of beds have decreased with the change.

The government aims to specialise the north as a hub to treat Thalassemia patients in the country.