
Opportunity opened to store chemical products in Thilafushi

Greater Male’ Industrial Zone Limited (GMIZL) has opened opportunity for interested parties to store chemical products in Thilafushi, the industrial island in Kaafu Atoll.

In a circular, GMIZL said priority will be given to parties handling dangerous chemical products, when providing warehouse storage units from Thilafushi. The state-owned enterprise has revealed storage units will be provided instead of land plots for companies handling chemical products.

GMIZL intends to develop the storage units and lease the facilities to ensure safety and security of the storage spaces. The plan includes renting out 200 storage spaces of between 2,000-3,000 square feet after development of the storage units, according to GMIZL. The corporation said the priority is the removal of warehouses that store dangerous goods and chemicals in Male' City.

Various studies have showed there are 126 warehouses in the capital city, with 86 located in residential areas.