
Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital begins new CT scan and cardiac centre services

Minister of Health Abdulla Ameen officially has launched the services of the new cardiac and CT scan centre in Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital in Haa Dhaalu Atoll.

At a function held to inaugurate the centre, Minister Ameen remarked patients had to be diverted to other centres due to lack of CT scan and cardiogram services in Kulhudhuffushi. He highlighted the time and the significant cost resulting in such rerouting.

Cardio centre and CT scan service in Kulhudhuffushi would allow for a better service delivery at the hospital, lifting a heavy burden off patients and their families. The new centre established at Kulhudhuffushi has been equipped with the capacity to run cardiac consultations, eco-cardiogram, holster monitoring, ECG and TMT, amongst other services.

An average of 305 people seek medical services from Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital. The number is the highest of patients seeking medical assistance outside the capital city.