
Maldives will pursue promoting peace and prosperity: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has assured Maldives would continue in its path of promoting the spirit of multilateralism, international cooperation and understanding to further peace and prosperity. The president made the remarks in his message on the occasion of the 74th United Nations Day.

In his message, President Solih highlighted the United Nations Day is a celebration that reaffirms the belief in multilateral decision-making and diplomacy in achieving peaceful resolutions to conflict. The president noted United Nations has remained strong for 74 years since its foundation and is a constant reminder of the importance of shaping a shared future that benefits all.

President Solih expressed Maldives strongly believe in the United Nations, the principles and spirit of its charter, and the belief that every single member of the organisation brings value to unlock the true potential for peace, progress and prosperity. The president mentioned it is this conviction that consistently brings Maldives to play its part as a responsible member of the United Nations.

The president noted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development charts a holistic framework for the dignity of all, for a better life, in a safe, healthy and peaceful world. He assured Maldives remain committed to the 2030 Agenda including the Paris Agreement, Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. He added despite the challenges Maldives is committed to solving the complex problems through understanding, shared knowledge and multilateralism.

President Solih said a better life for future generations, and step up to raise ambition for meaningful action, in order to reverse the detrimental changes to the planet and its biodiversity. He affirmed Maldives will continue to play its part to promote the spirit of multilateralism, and promote international cooperation and understanding to further peace and prosperity, for the benefit of all.

Marking a shift in Maldivian policy of self-imposed isolationism, President Solih made a historic address at the General Debate at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September, becoming the first Maldivian leader to address the UNGA in seven years.

The address symbolised the administration's resolve to return to the world stage and engage with the international community through a sound foreign policy pursuing increased bilateral and multilateral engagements to promote interests and priorities in Maldives.

United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the United Nations Charter and has been celebrated on October 24 since 1948.