
Institutions to be established to promote architecture and skilled designing

Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage Yumna Maumoon has stated more institutions are being established to promote architecture and skilled designing in Maldives. The minister made the statement at the ongoing panel discussion meeting at UNESCO Forum of Ministers of Culture 2019 in Paris, France.

Speaking at the forum, Minister Yumna spoke about the effort to preserve the cultural and heritage sites in Maldives and the efforts of the administration to produce sculptors, architects and skilled designers in the country. The minister noted the administration of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih created a special ministry to preserve culture and historical sites with legislative power granted to protect heritage sites in Maldives. The ministry has the mandatory power to preserve and protect all places of historical importance in the country.

The minister stated Maldives is an archipelago embodied with a history of rich cultural heritage and the skills of Maldivian forefathers are displayed well in coral stone carved mosques built in the islands. She said a Strategic Action Plan is underway to promote cultural tourism by building museums, libraries and cultural villages in the islands.

Minister Yumna noted about the successful role of the ministry to create an opportunity for architects and designers to display works of creative art.