
MIFCO to reclaim 5 hectares of land in Felivaru

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) has decided to reclaim 5 hectares of land from the lagoon surrounding Felivaru, to develop the extension of the fisheries complex in the island.

The state-owned fisheries company stated 5 hectares of land will be reclaimed from the lagoon on the east of Felivaru. MIFCO said the reclamation is part of the project to develop the fisheries complex, which will see the development of a cold storage facility with a capacity of 4,000 tonnes.

In his presidential address delivered at the Parliament of Maldives last week, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih stated investments will be made this year to develop cold storage facilities in Felivaru and Kooddoo in order to increase the cold storage capacity to 4,000 tonnes in Felivaru and 6,000 tonnes in Kooddoo.

While MIFCO is set to celebrate its 34th anniversary this year, its fisheries complex in Felivaru still remains with the facilities which were developed for the establishment of the complex. Felivaru Fisheries Complex was established 33 years ago with facilities to process 50 tonnes of canned tuna per day. While the production capacity has not increased since, the cold storage capacity has remained at 750 tonnes.

MIFCO said plans are being formulated to develop the services of the complex, adding funds for the development have been arranged.