
No decision made to lease space for TMA from new terminal: MACL

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has said a decision has not been made regarding the space to be leased for Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA) from the new seaplane terminal developed at Velana International Airport (VIA).

Speaking at the Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts, board member of MACL Ibrahim Mahfooz said no discussions were held at a board meeting regarding the lease of 31,000 square metres of the new terminal to TMA for a period of 15 years. However, TMA maintains it has received an official letter from MACL stating the board has decided to lease 31,000 square metres at a rate of USD 10.35 per square metre for a period of 15 years.

Mahufooz said he does not see the letter as an agreement, adding it was never decided by MACL to handover the operation of the new seaplane terminal to a single party. He added MACL wants the new seaplane terminal to be run with the particiaption of multiple operators, adding the building has been designed under a multi-operator concept.

In addition to MACL and TMA, the public accounts committee also met officials from Manta Air regarding the new seaplane terminal. During the meeting, CEO of Manta Air Mohamed Khaleel noted handing the new seaplane terminal to a single operator will have negative impacts on the competitiveness in the sector. Khaleel said the monopoly in carrying tourists negatively affects the growth of the tourism industry.

Meanwhile, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has also launched an investigation over the controversial seaplane terminal deal. In a statement, ACC noted it believes if MACL develops a state of the art maintenance, repair, and overhaul facility and leases 31,000 square metres at a rate of USD 10.35, the profit of the state-owned company will decrease.

ACC said investigations showed MACL worked to benefit a single operator rather than a way that would benefit the state. ACC also said it has instructed MACL to take corrective measures in various regards after it found the company acted in personal interests.

The development of the new seaplane terminal is an investment of USD 55 million as part of the expansion of VIA.