
Current and former MACL board members have connections with TMA and Manta: ACC

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has revealed current and former board members of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) have family and business connections with officials from Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA) and Manta Aviation Private Limited.

In the report compiled on the new seaplane terminal under development by MACL at Velana International Airport (VIA), ACC noted discussions took place on November 28, 2017 regarding the leasing of space from the terminal at a rate of USD 10.35 per square metre. However, in the report, ACC highlighted the decision was made in personal interests as current and former board members of MACL share relations with TMA and Manta.

ACC also expressed it believes MACL has always had the idea of leasing the terminal to seaplane operators instead of operating the facility. In this regard, ACC noted MACL had not finalised a model to operate the terminal or hired and trained employees needed to operate the facility.

Citing a letter from MACL has mentioned it needs 3 years to take over the operation of the seaplane terminal, ACC said it believes a company with the capacity of MACL can take over the operations in a shorter period of time. Therefore, ACC accused the decision was made to grant a longer period of time for seaplane operators to utilise the terminal at the smallest rate as possible, adding MACL approved to lease space from the facility at a rate of USD 10.35 per square metre.

Furthermore, the commission also noted it has learnt MACL has drafted and shared an agreement to lease space from the terminal to TMA, adding no such agreement was shared with other seaplane operators. ACC accused the decision was made to benefit a single operator rather than a way that would benefit the state.