
MTCC contracted to design and construct Hulhudhoo harbor

Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure has handed over the designing and construction of Hulhudhoo harbor in Addu City to Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC). The agreement of the venture was signed by Permanent Secretary of Planning Ministry Zeeniya Ahmed Hameed and the CEO of MTCC Adam Azim.

Under the agreement, MTCC is required to upgrade the harbor which consists of dredging of 3.5 metre below sea level along with the construction of a 25 metre groin, a 742 metre breakwater, 114 metres of quay wall, 624 metres of revetment and 2-thousand-250 square metres of pavement. Additionally, the agreement includes installation of 36 harbour lights, 2 channel lights, 12 mooring blocks, a concrete bridge and a ramp.

The project is estimated to cost over USD 4.2 million and is expected to be completed within 375 days.