
Lack of respect towards nature can lead to global disasters: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has stated lack of respect towards the nature and the ecosystem will lead to more global disasters like the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The president made the remarks while speaking at the United Nations Biodiversity Summit, held on September 30. The president delivered his remarks at the summit virtually.

In his remarks, President Solih highlighted the major determinant in climate health and the earth’s well-being in this era of the Anthropocene is human activity. The president said it is up to humans to either harness the scientific knowledge and technological prowess for destructive ends that yield short term profit, or to implement sustainable development strategies that are viable in the long term.

At the summit, the president highlighted the Maldives takes its climate commitments seriously, and that it will continue to engage with its global partners to preserve biodiversity and address the climate emergency. In this regard, the president noted the Maldives presented its Climate Resilient Island Initiative on the sidelines of the 74th UN General Assembly. He reiterated this initiative provides a model that other small island states can use to develop sustainably, by conserving eco-rich areas, phasing out single-use plastics, and rapidly transiting to renewable energy.

President Solih also shed light on the Maldives’ ongoing partnership with the Blue Prosperity Coalition, a global alliance of ocean experts dedicated to growing blue economies and preserving the ocean’s health. He noted the Maldives has been working with the coalition to conduct scientific expeditions that will inform the country’s blue economic policies and maritime spatial plans going forward, so that national development occurs without compromising natural assets.

In his remarks, the president emphasised that the Maldives is deeply concerned by plastic pollution, especially in the ocean. He cited the alarming fact that over 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean every year. He added such concerns are what led the Maldives to become a founder and co-chair of the Group of Friends to Combat Marine Plastic Pollution, and why the administration is committed to delivering on its pledge to phase out single use plastic by the year 2023.

While concluding, the president called on all to be more respectful towards nature, and to heed a key lesson of this pandemic. Noting COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease to which humanity was exposed by its continued disrespect for nature's boundaries, the president expressed his conviction that if humans do not do right by the earth and become better stewards of nature's gifts, the world will face similar and possibly worse consequences in the future.