
Hoarafushi Airport to be completed by November 8

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has announced the development of Hoarafushi Airport will be completed by November 8.

Speaking to PSM News regarding the progress of Hoarafushi Airport, CEO of MTCC Adam Azim said works on the runway and apron of the airport have been completed, while works on the terminal and fire building are ongoing. Azim said MTCC targets to complete all infrastructure by November 8 and hand the airport over to the government, so that services can begin by November 11 in accordance to the targets set by the government. He said this is the first airport development project that MTCC has undertaken without any interruptions.

The project to develop Hoarafushi Airport was contracted to MTCC in early 2019. Dredging and reclamation of 842,200 cubic metres of land required for the airport was commenced in April 2019 and completed in August 2019. Construction of 1,120 metres of revetment as shore protection around the airport was completed in March 2020.

The project includes construction of a 1,200 metre runway, an 8,635 square-metre apron and taxiway, service roads, a 9,473 square-metre parking area, a 1,718 square-metre of fire access roads and 720 metres of airport security and beach fence area, as well as a passenger terminal and fire building.

Upon completion, Hoarafushi Airport will become the northernmost airport in the Maldives.