
Project to resurface Addu City roads underway

The project to resurface roads in three wards of Addu City is underway.

The road infrastructure rehabilitation project in Addu City was contracted to GK Developments Private Limited. The project involves resurfacing the damaged roads in Feydhoo, Maradhoo-feydhoo and Maradhoo wards, as well as developing an additional 18 roads with asphalt paving. As part of the project, 4.5 kilometres of roads will be resurfaced and refurbished.

Speaking at the ceremony held to officially start the project, Addu City Mayor Abdulla Sodiq attributed the delays in starting the project to difficulties in acquiring materials. He noted although some materials were brought during January this year, procurement of other materials were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The mayor further noted by the end of the project, all sewerage pipes will be connected to the households. He added the project will also provide a solution for the flooding problems encountered by the city.

The roads of Addu City wards had been originally developed under the assistance of the Government of Sri Lanka. However, the roads were damaged following the construction of the sewerage system in the connected wards of Addu. Following the installation of sewerage pipes, potholes and depressions have been formed in several roads of the city.