
Over USD 34 million spent on development of Addu City: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has revealed his administration has spent over USD 34 million on various development projects conducted in Addu City.

Speaking at an event held for the people of Addu City as part of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s campaign for the upcoming local council elections, President Solih said the expenditure undertaken for the development of Addu over the last two years is roughly equal to the expenditure undertaken to develop Male’ City. As such, the President highlighted the major changes brought to the healthcare services in Addu, as well as various infrastructure development projects conducted across different wards of the city. He noted the total value of projects conducted by the current administration in Addu amounts to USD 34.6 million.

President Solih also highlighted some of the projects planned to be carried out in Addu in the near future. In this regard, the President highlighted the planned expansion of Gan International Airport, establishment of a commercial port in the city and the development of tourism zones across the city. He also highlighted the planned development of a court complex in Hithadhoo this year.