
Contract signed to complete the construction of 12 classrooms in Irushaadiyya School

Ministry of Education has contracted a local company to complete the construction of 12 new classrooms in Irushaadiyya School of Addu City.

The contract to complete the construction of the new classrooms in Irushaadiyya School was awarded to BAPC Private Limited. The contract for the project was signed by Minister of State for Education Ahmed Riyaz and the Operations Manager of BAPC Private Limited Abdulla Zuhair.

BAPC has been contracted to complete the project and handover the classrooms to Irushaadiyya School within 300 days. The project costs approximately USD 543,000.

The education ministry had initially awarded the project to another local company. However, the contract was terminated due to slow progress of the project.

Irushaadiyya School is located in the Maradhoo-feydhoo ward of Addu City. The school has more than 100 students across grades 7-10. Currently, the school has only six classrooms.