
Maldives conveys condolences to Indonesia and Timor-Leste following flash floods and landslides

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives Abdulla Shahid has conveyed condolences on behalf of the Maldives to Indonesia and Timor-Leste, following the following the devastating flash floods and landslides in the two countries.

Minister Shahid expressed condolences to the two countries in separate messages sent to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Indonesia Retno L.P. Marsudi, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Timor-Leste Adaljíza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno.

In the message sent to the Foreign Minister of Indonesia, Minister Shahid said he was greatly saddened to hear the news of loss of lives and livelihoods, and destruction of homes caused by torrential rains and flash floods in the East Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia. He extended sympathies on behalf of the government and the people of the Maldives to the government and the brotherly people of Indonesia, especially to the families who lost their loved ones and livelihoods. He expressed hope that the rescue and recovery operations continue smoothly and commended the tenacity of the people of Indonesia during this crisis.

In the message sent to the Foreign Minister of Timor-Leste, Minister Shahid expressed grief over the news of the widespread floods and landslides in the capital Dili caused by the torrential rains destroying livelihoods, displacement of people and destruction of homes. He extended profound condolences and sympathies to the government and the people of Timor-Leste, especially to those directly affected and to the families who lost their livelihoods. He expressed hope that the efforts of the response teams continue swiftly and successfully, and praised the perseverance of the people of Timor-Leste during this crisis.