
RDC contracted to develop roads in another three areas of Male’

Male’ City Council has contracted Road Development Corporation (RDC) to develop roads in another three areas of Male’ under the Streetscaping Project.

The contract for the project was signed during a ceremony held at Male’ City Council on April 6. The contract was signed by Male’ City Mayor Sifa Mohamed and Managing Director of RDC Moosa Ali Manik.

Under the project, RDC will be refurbishing 13 roads in North Henveiru, 5 roads in South Mach’angolhi and 6 roads in Central Mach’angolhi of Male’ City. The project is carried out under the second phase of the Streetscaping Project.

Speaking at the contract signing ceremony, Male’ City Mayor Sifa Mohamed said priority has been given to refurbish roads that frequently accommodate a high volume of vehicles and pedestrians and roads that have been severely damaged. She noted the areas to be developed by RDC include several areas with schools.

Meanwhile, RDC’s Managing Director Moosa Ali Manik said work on the project is expected to begin in about a week, once the necessary permits have been acquired. Noting the areas refurbished under the first phase of the project were completed at a high quality, Moosa Ali Manik assured the second phase will also be carried out at a similar quality.