
Heritage Minister highlights importance of promoting cultural tourism

Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage Yumna Maumoon has highlighted the importance of promoting cultural tourism for sustainable development.

In a special message released on the occasion of World Heritage Day, Minister Yumna said the current generations must be grateful for the culture and heritage that has been passed on by forefathers in various different forms. The minister highlighted the rich culture and heritage on display across various islands of the Maldives, is a key part of the nation’s identity. She added current generations carry the responsibility of passing on this culture and heritage to future generations.

Minister Yumna went on to note that cultural tourism is an important avenue for protecting the country’s cultural assets and bringing in a sustainable source of revenue. As such, she noted promoting cultural tourism would have several economic benefits for island communities, and ensure sustainable development.

The World Heritage Day, also known as the International Day for Monuments and Sites, is marked on April 18 every year. The theme for this year’s World Heritage Day is “Complex Pasts: Diverse Future”.