
Unemployment rate of the Maldives at 5.3%

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has revealed the unemployment rate of the Maldives is currently at 5.3%.

Statistics publicised by NBS on the occasion of International Labour Day revealed the Maldives has a workforce of 181,144 people, including 107,426 men and 73,717 women. NBS revealed 10,127 of the working age population are unemployed, representing an unemployment rate of 5.3% across the country. Unemployment rate is recorded at 6.1% in Male’, and 4.4% in the atolls.

The statistics further revealed the expatriate workers’ population in the Maldives is 177,585, of which 63% are from Bangladesh. Indian workers make up another 16% of this population.

Citing its tourist resort employment survey of 2019, NBS estimated a total employment of 44,954 in tourist resorts, out of which 21,332 were locals. NBS stated only 3% of resort employees were local women.