
Changes to be brought to the local market area in Male’

Male’ City Council has decided to bring major changes to the local market area in Male’, as part of efforts to improve the services of the market.

Speaking at a press conference, Male’ City Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu said the city council has observed the conditions and difficulties faced in the market, and decided to bring changes to improve the services of the market. As such, the mayor said the city council has decided to issue stalls from the fish market by drawing lots, in order to provide an equal opportunity for fishermen and businesses selling fish. He added a six-month permit will also be released under a special guideline for fishermen to sell their catch directly from their vessels.

The mayor further stated the city council has also decided to commence special efforts to ensure the hygiene and cleanliness of the fish market. In this regard, he said work will commence on cleaning the market area and installing new drainage pits. He added a new rule will be enforced requiring regular testing of water used when cutting and slicing fish.

Mayor Muizzu also revealed the city council will begin renovation of the market area, which includes the local market, travellers’ market and the fish market. As such, he noted the city council has decided to remove the partitions installed across the main pathway of the travellers’ market in order to provide a direct route from one end to the other of the market. He added toilets will also be constructed in the local market and travellers’ market.

The mayor said the proposed solutions are temporary solutions to improve the services of the existing market while a new market is being developed. He noted the long-term plan of the city council is to develop a modern marketplace with improved services.