
Network jammers to be placed in Maafushi Prison

Commissioner of Prisons Ahmed Mohamed Fulhu has revealed the Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) is working to place network jammers in Maafushi Prison next year.

Speaking to PSM News, the prisons commissioner said the jammers are being placed to stop prisoners from using mobile phones. The commissioner said MCS is discussing with telecommunications companies on downgrading the network at Maafushi Prison due to the rise in the number of smartphones being smuggled into the prison.

The commissioner said Maafushi is a popular tourist destination with a high-range network, which is being used illicitly by prisoners. He said MCS is currently estimating the cost of establishing a network jammer at the prison, and he estimates the work will be completed next year. Highlighting that jammers had been used at the prison before, Commissioner Mohamed Fulhu said prior jammers became unusable due to rust since they had been placed at the outer walls near the sea.

The correctional service continually conducts search operations to confiscate the items inside Maafushi Prison. In this regard, MCS recently conducted a joint search operation with the national security services following the May 6 terrorist attack against Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed, which resulted in the confiscation of over 40 phones.