
MWSC undertaking water and sewerage projects in 20 islands

Male’ Water and Sewerage Company Limited (MWSC) has stated it is currently undertaking water and sewerage projects in 20 islands across the Maldives.

MWSC stated the company is currently contracted to water and sewerage projects in 20 islands, with physical works commenced in all projects. The company stated work to establish the RO plant building is underway in all islands, while works on the main water and sewerage pipe network are also ongoing in some islands.

MWSC revealed the company had initially been contracted to complete 15 projects by May and 5 projects by March this year. However, the company said there have been delays in carrying out the projects due to the COVID-19 situation, noting the delivery of materials had been severely affected by the COVID-19 restrictions. The company also highlighted difficulties faced in acquiring foreign currency for the purchase of materials, and acquiring the required number of trained technical professionals for the projects.