
Qualifications to be issued for skilled individuals without formal education

The government has launched a programme to issue qualifications for skilled individuals in technical fields who do not hold a professional qualification through education. The programme was inaugurated on July 13 by Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail and Minister of Higher Education Dr. Ibrahim Hassan.

Speaking at the ceremony, Higher Education Minister Hassan noted several skilled individuals are working in technical fields without a formal education. He said the programme aims to formally accept their skills by issuing a national qualification. He said individuals will have to undertake an exam for their skills, after which they will be eligible for a certificate.

The ceremony was also attended by Minister of Tourism Dr. Abdulla Mausoom, who highlighted the importance of this programme especially for tourism workers. The minister noted several tourism workers are currently unable to advance their careers due to the lack of a professional qualification, despite working in the field for many years. He expressed hope the programme would help tourism workers reach further heights in their careers.

The higher education ministry stated the qualification issued under the programme would be part of the Maldives National Qualifications Framework (MNQF). The ministry said all individuals who have worked in one job for more than 5 years without interruptions would be eligible for the programme.