
Kulhudhuffushi a key area for upcoming large scale housing project: President

President Ibrahim Mohamed has announced Kulhudhuffushi City is one of the high-priority residential areas for the government's upcoming large-scale housing project. He made the statement in a meeting with the members of the Kulhudhuffushi City Council and the Women's Development Committee (WDC) during the first couple's visit to Haa Dhaalu Atoll.

In the meeting, President Solih shared the latest updates for several of the government's main undertakings at the city including the road development project, the regional hospital upgrade, and the tertiary hospital project. Further discussions during the meeting were focused on the scarcity of housing and youth development as well as possible uses for the vacant land north of the airport. Additionally, the members of the Kulhudhuffushi City WDC outlined their work and the difficulties in conducting their planned programmes within the city.

President Solih also held discussions with the Haa Dhaalu Atoll Council, which focused on the developmental needs of the atoll. The president and council members deliberated on several issues and concerns including the urgent need to initiate the Hanimaadhoo Airport development project, the establishment of a proper functioning inter-island transport network, upgrades needed for island harbours, water and sanitation networks, schools, and social developmental needs of the youth.

Speaking at the meeting, President Solih underscored the significance of a modern international airport in the region and detailed the status of the Hanimaadhoo Airport development project. He affirmed that the government would work with the relevant authorities to swiftly address all concerns raised during the meeting.