
Two companies contracted to complete housing projects launched in two islands

Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure contracts two companies to complete the construction of housing units being built in Hanimaadhoo and Nolhivaranfaru in Haa Dhaalu Atoll.

The housing ministry contracted Dhonbez Private Limited to complete the construction of 52 housing units being built in Hanimaadhoo under the housing project launched in the island in 2011, and to construct 48 new housing units. The project, which is worth over USD 5 million, is contracted to be completed within 11 months.

Meanwhile, the housing ministry contracted Rasheed Carpentry and Construction (RCC) Private Limited to complete the construction of 100 housing units in Nolhivaranfaru being built under a project launched in 2011. The project, which costs over USD 3.4 million from the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) budget, is contracted to be completed within 8 months.