
MNU signs agreement with IASL to open flying school

Maldives National University (MNU) has signed an agreement with Island Aviation Services Limited (IASL) to open a flying school.

The agreement was signed by Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mohamed Shareef and Managing Director of IASL Mohamed Mihaad. As per the agreement, MNU and IASL will establish a joint venture company to open the flying school in Gan, Addu City. As such, a flying academy from the Czech Republic was chosen to operate the flying school after the completion of the bidding process.

Managing Director Mihaad said the flying academy has 30 years of training experience in the aviation sector and is also currently involved in training Maldivians. He said the flying school is scheduled to open by the end of the year and will enroll 30 students to be trained for a diverse range of jobs in the aviation sector. He added that the flying school will focus on students who have been unable to complete their course at the Addu flying school operated by the Asian Academy of Aeronautics (AAA).

Vice-Chancellor Dr. Shareef noted the few opportunities currently available in the Maldives for students interested in the aviation sector and said MNU is taking a significant step by establishing a joint venture company to open a flying school.

IASL stated the flying school will open the opportunity for enrollment for both Maldivians and foreign students.