
Contracts awarded for construction of additional classrooms in two schools

Ministry of Education has contracted Nasa Link Private Limited to construct additional classrooms in the schools of Maavah, Laamu Atoll and Feydhoo, Shaviyani Atoll.

The contracts for the construction of additional classrooms in the two schools was signed during a special ceremony held at the education ministry on December 1. The contracts were signed by State Minister of Education Ahmed Riyaz and Managing Director of Nasa Link Private Limited Ali Abdul Rahman.

Under the contracts, Nasa Link is tasked with developing 8 new classrooms and a multi-purpose hall in Feydhoo School, and 9 new classrooms in Maavah School. The projects are part of the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) projects included in the state budget for this year.

The education ministry revealed the project in Feydhoo School costs about USD 712,000, while the project in Maavah School costs about USD 582,600. The projects are expected to be completed within one year.