
MIRA collects USD 129 million in revenue in December

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has collected USD 129 million in revenue in December last year.

The monthly revenue collection report shows the amount is a 95% increase compared to the revenue collected in December 2020, and 45% higher than the estimated revenue. The report shows the top contributor of revenue collection in December was Goods and Services Tax (GST) with USD 62 million and the second-highest contributor was from Tourism Land Rent with USD 31 million.

MIRA stated the revenue for December 2021 is higher than the same month in 2020 due to the increment in GST, Income Tax, Green Tax, and Airport Taxes and Fees. The authority also stated tourist arrivals in November 2021 were four times higher than December 2020, which led to an increment in tourism-related revenues. It added the receipt of tourism land of previous deadlines contributed to the favourable outcome.